

獨立機構的可能是指 iesnare,這個軟體對玩家有何影響,請見博彩公司用間諜軟體-iesnare 收集客戶上網活動情形。 

註:目前雖然沒有看到玩家在移除 iesnare 後,出現任何負面消息。但是,博彩公司是很嚴肅的、積極的面對這個問題,請玩家務必遵守博彩公司相關條款,以免蒙受損失。



出於此原因, 立博公司會授權一家獨立的機構通過聯網資料庫, 對閣下所提供的姓名, 地址, 以及年齡資料進行核實.

閣下的這些資料會被該機構保留在共享資料庫中(立博公司並不會保留這些資料), 以供將來其它公司作同樣核對調查時使用.



age verification.

Bets may only be placed by those who are aged 18 or over and Ladbrokes takes very seriously its responsibility to ensure compliance with this.  

We therefore may need to verify your age and to do so we will forward your name, address and date of birth to a third party to electronically verify these details.

A record of the search (but not that it was carried out by Ladbrokes) may be retained and this information may be used in the future by other businesses who use the service for the same purpose and with whom you do business.

The third party that we use is fully aware of its obligations under the Data Protection Act and will always act in accordance with its provisions.




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