2006年7月中旬,BetonSports的首席執行官大衛.卡魯瑟斯(David Carruthers)在從英國前往哥斯達黎加的途中路經美國時被美國執法人員拘留。 次日,美國對11個涉嫌網上賭博的人提出刑事指控,其中包括BetonSports的首席執行官大衛.卡魯瑟斯(David Carruthers)。美國司法部要求對BetonSports和其他三家公司罰款45億美元,罪名是這些公司陰謀逃稅、欺詐和洗錢。
2006.07.17 BetonSports的首席執行官大衛.卡魯瑟斯(David Carruthers)過境美國在機埸被美拘捕。
2006.07.18 美國對11個涉嫌網上賭博的人提出刑事指控,其中包括David Carruthers。美國司法部要求對BetonSports和其他三家公司罰款45億美元,罪名是這些公司陰謀逃稅、欺詐和洗錢。 聯邦法官也發出暫時禁制令,禁止BETonSPORTS.com接受來自美國賭客的下注。
2006.08.11 BETonSPORTS關閉哥斯大黎加營運中心(主要接受來的美國的投注)
2007.05.07 David Carruthers在法庭認罪。
2008.02.08 安地卡及巴布達最高法院做出清算BETonSPORTS財產的判決。
2008.12.23 vantisplc向債權人(玩家)發出電子郵件,請玩家確認債權。
2008.08.18 BetonSports創辦人認罪 退還美國當局4300萬美元(轉貼)
2008.12.23 vantisplc寄給玩家的電子郵件內容
Dear BetonSports Customer
Further to our report in May 2008 we write to provide a further UPDATE with regard to Liquidation matters.
Creditors will recall that we were appointed Liquidators of Betonsports (Antigua) Limited ("the Company") by an Order of the High Court in Antigua and Barbuda on 8 February 2008.
In the interim period we have been attempting to recover the assets of the Company and agree the claims of creditors, which comprise gaming players and trade creditors.
In May of this year a team from Vantis visited Antigua to analyse the Company's books and records to extract further information to support the debt collection exercise. Certain records have still not been located, which remains a matter of concern for us in our conduct in this matter.
Since our last report key Board directors of the Company have been interrogated at our offices in London, and they continue to assist us with our enquiries and investigations. We are currently investigating the possible existence of financial records in Costa Rica.
Where sufficient financial records are available we continue at this time to pursue Company funds located in various jurisdictions including the USA, South Africa and Germany. These funds partly represent international payments in transit frozen by payment processors at the time of the declaration by the U.S government that internet gaming was unlawful. We are seeking to secure settlement of funds where appropriate without recourse to expensive litigation in those jurisdictions.
Based on asset realisations to date by ourselves and the Gaming Regulator in Antigua, and known and estimated creditor balances (both gaming creditors and trade creditors) in the Liquidation estate, the dividend availability if a distribution were made at this time would be less than 5 cents on the dollar, or 5%.
We therefore consider it imprudent and economically unviable to circulate a dividend at this time, pending possible further assets being recovered as referred to above.
We continue diligently to pursue the assets of the company with a view to maximising the return to the gaming clients and other creditors. We continue to investigate the pre liquidation activities of the Company, and the board of directors, and we have a continuing dialogue with the Department of Justice in the USA with regard to all Liquidation matters.
As stated previously it is not in our interest for matters to become protracted. The High Court in Antigua has decreed that the Liquidators be remunerated on a recovery/performance basis. We continue to seek the best outcome for all parties.
A further update will be circulated in due course.
To register your claim if you have not already done so please complete the details via the weblink below, using your creditor reference 62055 to confirm your claim against the company.
If you do not wish to claim in this matter and do not want to receive any further emails from us please go to
Yours sincerely
Joint Liquidators
For and on behalf of BetonSports (Antigua) Limited -In Liquidation
Peter Wastell and Nigel Hamilton-Smith of Vantis have been appointed liquidators of Betonsports (Antigua) Ltd, a subsidiary of BetOnSports PLC.
Betonsports (Antigua) Ltd is a company registered in Antigua and Barbuda, and was the operating company within the BETonSPORTS group responsible for the individual gaming contracts and betting transactions with the players/customers primarily in the United States of America. Our appointment as Receiver-Managers was made by the Financial Services Regulatory Commission of Antigua and Barbuda ("FSRC"), under the International Business Corporations Act in that jurisdiction.
摘自大紀元 2006年7月18日=拘捕
著名網上賭博公司BetonSports的首席執行官大衛.卡魯瑟斯(David Carruthers)在從英國前往哥斯達黎加的途中路經美國時被美國執法人員拘留。
摘自大紀元 2006年7月19日=起訴
美國官員對11個涉嫌網上賭博的人提出刑事指控,其中包括著名的網上賭博公司BetonSports的首席執行官大衛.卡魯瑟斯(David Carruthers)。美國司法部在星期二發表的一份聲明中要求對BetonSports和其他三家公司罰款45億美元,罪名是這些公司陰謀逃稅、欺詐和洗錢。
Lawyers for besieged betting group say Antiguan court order prevents payment
The plight of 4 863 unpaid BetonSports gamblers was highlighted this week in an article from the Bloomberg business news service in which lawyers for the besieged betting group said that the outstanding amounts cannot be paid due to an Antiguan court order placed on the assets of the company.
Bloomberg reported that BetonSports PLC, the London-based Internet gambling company barred from doing business in the U.S., owes money to at least 4 863 customers.
Betonsports can't comply with a November directive by U.S. District Judge Carol Jackson in St. Louis that it return US gamblers' deposits because the funds are controlled by the company's Antigua subsidiary, which is subject to the authority of courts in that Caribbean nation, attorney Jeffrey Demerath said in papers filed with Jackson Wednesday.
"The Antiguan government has demanded that it supervise the collection and distribution of monies which includes the payment of customers and other creditors," Demerath told Jackson in a status report filed at her request.
With the company's consent, Jackson last month issued a 21-page order permanently banning BetonSports from doing business in the U.S. The company took in $1.25 billion in wagers in 2004, 98 percent of which were placed by U.S. bettors using the company's Web site and phone lines, she said.
In a companion criminal case, St. Louis U.S. Attorney Catherine Hanaway in July unsealed an indictment accusing the company and 11 people associated with it, including Betonsports founder Gary Kaplan and former Chief Executive Officer David Carruthers, of racketeering and violating U.S. wire gambling laws.
The Antiguan situation could be complicated by the World Trade Organisation dispute between the Caribbean island government and the United States.
Trading Names/Brands of the BetonSports Group
§ MVP Bets
§ Millennium Sports
§ Infinity Sports International
§ Gibraltar Sports
§ BetOnFantasy N/A
§ WagerMall
§ BlueGrassSports-N/A
§ Millennium Casino
§ Infinity Casino
§ Gibraltar Casino
§ MillPoker
§ InfinityPokerClub-N/A
§ GibraltarPoker-N/A
§ BetOnSports
§ V-Wager
§ Players Super Book
§ MVP Sportsbook
§ Virtual Bookmaker
§ Gecko Casino
§ Bogarts Casino
§ MVP Casino
§ Jackpot Hour
§ Toucan Casino
§ Bet Jockey
§ MVP Racebook
§ Bet Horse Tracks
§ Live Horse Betting
§ Popular Poker
§ MVP Poker
§ Bogarts Poker
§ Poker Elite
§ Mardi Gras Poker
§ Bettors Net
This website does not accept wagers on sports or sporting events from persons in the United States. It is a violation of United States Law to transmit sports wagers or betting information to this website from the United States.
Financial Services Regulatory Commission Oversees BETonSPORTS settlement with Creditors
The Financial Services Regulatory Commission (FSRC) announced today it is assiduously assisting and supervising BoS (Antigua) Ltd (“BOS”), the operator of the BetonSports family of remote gaming products, in a process for the collection of funds owed to BOS and the onward, orderly payment of collected amounts to BOS creditors and employees. The process has been implemented under the supervisory authority given to the FSRC in order to give extra reassurance to organisations that funds returned will be properly used in the settlement of creditors in line with legal requirements, as well as assuring that BOS creditors will be paid in a fair and balanced manner.
Presently, BOS has been unable to repay customers due to cash-flow constraints, along with legal and operational interruptions. A substantial amount of monies owed to BOS by payment processors and publishers have not been repaid and it is anticipated that the oversight of the process by the Commission will give these organisations the transparency and reassurance they are seeking in order to return funds, so they may be distributed appropriately. The Commission under an order received by the Eastern Caribbean High Court of Justice will manage and supervise all funds remitted. The Commission and BOS Directors will be communicating with all account debtors directly. After evaluating, and verifying the obligations to creditors of BOS, these funds will then be paid in the legally prescribed order by the Commission.
Kaye McDonald, Director of the Financial Services Regulatory Commission, Division of Gaming noted “We are pleased with the agreement of BOS’s Directors to cooperate with Antiguan and Barbudan authorities to ensure the proper discharge of creditors, namely players and employees in this difficult case. As regulators, it is our responsibility to ensure that licensees operate properly at all times even under adverse conditions. We expect that our involvement and the cooperation of BOS will encourage the prompt payment of amounts owed to BOS by payment processors and others, so that funds can be promptly returned knowing that they will be distributed properly.” Ms McDonald added “we expect BOS debtors to cooperate with the process, and I am sure BOS is prepared to use all legal remedies available, to ensure that they do so.”
Director of BOS, Mr. Clive Archer, said “we are pleased to be working with the FSRC to ensure that customers, staff and other creditors receive the money they are owed. We have been hampered by the slow return of funds owed to us and we hope that this process will give debtors the reassurance they need to swiftly pay, so that our creditors including our customers and staff can be paid. It is extremely sad that such a great business has been destroyed in this fashion but we are committed to ensuring to the best of our ability that it ends properly. We are happy to cooperate with the supportive staff of the FSRC and believe that they are best suited, as the regulatory authority to ensure that all are treated fairly. We know that the business is all about customers and staff and we want to ensure they are properly looked after.”
Contacting BetonSports
To contact BetonSports Customer Service please send email requests to:
Customer Service hours are Monday to Friday, 10am - 7pm EST.
Please note that the BetonSports offices are moving and the toll free phone number is changing. While this change is taking place, please contact us at the above Customer Service email address.