
Betting Odds Converter提供六種賠率相互輚換。在其中一個欄位填入賠率,按下Convert,就能得到其他賠率的數值。 

(1) US Odds(美式賠率): Odds in US format (a negative number expresses the dollar amount that would need to be wagered in order to win $100, while a positive number expresses the dollar amount that would be won from a $100 wager)
(2)Decimal Odds(小數點賠率): Odds in decimal format (expresses the amount that would be returned from a $1 bet *inclusive* of original stake)
(3)Fractional Odds(分數賠率): Odds in fractional format (expresses the fraction of a dollar that would be wion from a $1 bet)
(4)Implied Probability(獲勝機率): The win probability that would imply zero vig on the offered line
(5)Hong Kong Odds(香港賠率): Odds in Hong Kong format
(6)Indonesian Odds(印尼賠率): Odds in Indonesian format
(7)Malay Odds(馬來賠率): Odds in Malaysian format


美式賠率 小數點賠率 分數賠率 香港賠率 印尼賠率 馬來賠率
-250 1.400 2/5 0.400 -2.500 0.400
-200 1.500 1/2 0.500 -2.000 0.500
-150 1.667 2/3 0.667 -1.499 1.667
+100 2.000 1/1 1.000 1.000 1.000
+150 2.500 3/2 1.500 1.500 -0.667
+200 3.000 2/1 2.000 2.000 -0.500
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