法國博彩集團Mangas Gaming宣佈完成收購Expekt和Bet-at-home。 Expekt是一家瑞典網路博彩公司,主要面向北歐市場。 另外Mangas Gaming取得了Bet-at-home的控股權,並對剩餘持股股東發出了公開收購聲明。Bet-at-home是在德國法蘭克福證券交易所上市的網路博彩公司,主要面向中東歐市場。 在完成這兩筆收購後,Mangas Gaming博彩集團進入了歐洲網路體育博彩經營商的前五名,2009年收入總額預計為2億歐元,超過400萬註冊用戶和500名員工。
We are pleased to announce that our shareholders have entered into an agreement for the sale of the online betting and gaming operations of Expekt.com to Mangas Gaming. The transaction is subject to certain conditions including regulatory approval.
Mangas Gaming is a company jointly owned by Stéphane Courbit, the highly successful entrepreneur, and Société des Bains de Mer, the owner of casinos and hotels in Monaco, and has ambitious plans to create one of the leading pan-European online betting and gaming businesses.
Following completion of the transaction, Expekt.com will be led by its existing senior management team, with Per Widerstrom remaining as Chief Executive. Per Widerstrom will also be a member of Mangas Gaming's management team.
The management and employees of Expekt.com are very excited by this event and look forward to continuing our relationship with you going forward. We will update you further once the transaction has completed and will be in touch in due course. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the affiliate team through affiliate@expekt.com if you have any further questions.
Yours sincerely,