Lasseters Corporation旗下Ausvegas casino官網公告將於2008.10.13(澳洲時間)關閉客戶帳號並結束營業;同時建議客戶至Lasseters online casino 開新戶。
今年9月初Lasseters公佈上年度財報,至2008.6.30止,公司全年虧損680萬澳元,較2007年虧損350萬澳元增加。在財報公布虧損及申請股票暫停交易之間 ,同時傳出部份客戶提款延遲情形。
Lasseters Corporation在2008.09.09向澳洲証所申請志願暫停股票交易。詳情請見澳洲証交所的公開訊息
September 15th, 2008
The purpose of this notice is to advise our intention to permanently retire the Ausvegas website ( This move has been foreshadowed for some time as we move toward a consolidation of our casino platforms. The decision has been taken with a view to improving our service and positioning ourselves for exciting new changes ahead.
The closure of Ausvegas creates the opportunity to direct all our efforts into the further development of one strong consistent brand, which is, the Lasseters brand. Our decision to focus on building our product range for Lasseters Online Casino and Lasseters Sportsbook will see us offering exciting new games and product for our customers in the very near future.
Lasseters is a fully regulated, licensed and trustworthy Casino and Sportsbook, which has built a significant amount of trust amongst customers, affiliates and business partners over the past 9 years in operation. Lasseters prides itself on the same level of exceptional service you have become accustomed to at Ausvegas.
It is therefore our intention to cease the operation of the Ausvegas site and close all player accounts on Monday 13th October 2008 at 10:00am (ACST).
Ausvegas funds, which remain in player accounts on Monday 13th October 2008 may be transferred upon request, to your Lasseters Online Casino or Lasseters Sportsbook account by contacting customer support with your Ausvegas and Lasseters username or email address.
Alternatively, your Ausvegas balance, minus any unused bonuses is available for withdrawal by contacting our Customer Support Staff at All funds not withdrawn by Monday 17th November 2008 will be remitted to our NT government regulators, who will hold the funds in trust, to be claimed at a later date.
Players who have not previously provided age identification and have an existing cash balance are required to provide suitable age ID prior to receiving their funds. (How do I provide Proof of Age?)
As a registered player of Ausvegas Online Casino we hope you have enjoyed the site as much as we have enjoyed delivering our games / services to you. We truly appreciate your support and loyalty during your time with us. Please rest assured you are extremely important to us and we remain committed to retaining you as a customer, on our Lasseters gaming site/s.
We will email a reminder to all Ausvegas players prior to the closure of the site however, should you have any questions in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact us at
Brian Gordon
Operating Officer
AusVegas Casino